We have significantly improved the speed of loading pages on the Speedy Match website

We have significantly improved the speed of loading pages on the Speedy Match website. The time it takes for pages to load is between half and an eighth of the time it took them to load until now. For example, a page that was previously loaded in 2.57 seconds now loads in 0.85 seconds, and a page that was previously loaded in 1.45 seconds now loads in 0.17 seconds. From now on, the site will be faster and easier to use.

Good luck!
Uri Rodberg
Founder and director of Speedy Net and Speedy Match,
Speedy Paz Technologies Ltd.

Speedy Match already supports 11 languages!

This week we launched Speedy Match in 4 more languages: Dutch, Swedish, Korean and Finnish. Speedy Match already supports 11 languages! And meanwhile hundreds of new members have joined in French, Spanish and Portuguese.

Another thing, Speedy Match in English finished the alpha stage and went into production. In the coming years, It is possible that we will upload more languages to production (all other languages are still in alpha).

Click here to select your language on Speedy Match.

Good luck!
Uri Rodberg
Founder and director of Speedy Net and Speedy Match,
Speedy Paz Technologies Ltd.

We launched Speedy Match in French

Today we launched Speedy Match in French. We now support three languages – English, French and Hebrew. The French version is still in development, but you can already start using it.

Good luck!
Uri Rodberg
Founder and director of Speedy Net and Speedy Match,
Speedy Paz Technologies Ltd.

Spam messages on the Speedy Match website

We recently advertised the Speedy Match website and a lot of new members came into the site. Unfortunately some have used the site to send spam messages to other members. I apologize if you have received such spam messages, and we make efforts to prevent spam messages on the site. If you received spam from a member on the site or if you saw an inappropriate profile or a member with an inappropriate profile picture, report it to the site management and we will take care of it.

Thank you and good luck,
Uri Rodberg
Founder and director of Speedy Net and Speedy Match,
Speedy Paz Technologies Ltd.

The Speedy Match website went up

I am pleased to announce to you that the Speedy Match website is up and running. We worked on developing the site for a long time and it was delayed more than I expected. There is still some things to improve, especially on the version of the site for mobile phones, but the version for computers is already working. You are welcome to enter and register. The site is vegan and vegetarian friendly: If you are a vegan you can look for only vegan spouses, or just vegetarians, or both, and even carnists. And in terms of smoking habits and relationship status – all options are open to you. For example, if you choose to search for only single spouses, or only divorced – spouses who do not match you will not see you in their search results. So go to the site, register your e-mail address and your name – register for the site and look for spouses. Registration only takes a few minutes. A valid email address must be given and verified, it is important for us to make sure only real people are signed up for the site.

Good luck!
Uri Rodberg
Founder and director of Speedy Net and Speedy Match,
Speedy Paz Technologies Ltd.